Have you listened to the latest episodes of my Glambition® Radio? Time to download some free on-the-go advice, inspiration, and revelation.
The show has now been recognized by both Inc. and Entrepreneur magazines as a must listen podcast for entrepreneurs. And it’s also my favorite venture of all time.
These latest 6 episodes will change the way you do business and live your life. Keep reading below for descriptions…
You can listen to them here or download right now, for free.(Even better, subscribe to automatically get new episodes on your smartphone or laptop.)
A bit about these episodes…
* JJ Virgin – My friend and past client JJ, fitness expert and four-time NY Times best-selling author, accomplishes everything she sets out to do. But, when a brutal hit-and-run car accident threatened her son’s life, she turned into an unstoppable force. Miraculously, JJ stared down every mother’s worst nightmare and saved her son’s life. On this episode, JJ and I go DEEP with an intimate discussion about her journey and new book, Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son, & Life’s Hardest Lessons.
* Agapi Stassinopoulos – When I first met Agapi in New York City in 1999, I saw instantly she was one of those women who light up a room. Her joy was contagious and inspiring. And her new book shares how she lives – wait, no… chooses to live – each and every day. So we had to get her on the show! On this episode, Agapi and I discuss the wisdom that’s emerged from her personal journey and her new book, Wake Up to the Joy of You: 52 Meditations and Practices for a Calmer, Happier Life. Hear Agapi’s inspiring story now – it’s just what you need to hear in the middle of all the chaos!
* Ali Brown – It’s our 100th episode of Glambition Radio, and it was overdue for ME to do a SOLO show. Now, this one is really meaty, so make sure you listen a few times or take notes. Here’s the jist: There are external circumstances you can’t control. But there are MANY – SO MANY – “circumstances” you can. In fact, you create them yourself. And those are the ones that really matter in the end to you and those you lead. *For women, leadership is an inside job.* It starts with ourselves, our self worth, our principles. That’s the basics. From there, I encourage you to go RENEGADE this year.
* Jessica Bennett – If you’re tired of “mansplainers”, “man-terrupters”, and “bro- propriation”, have I got a gal for you. Jessica and her Feminist Fight Club movement is a humorous but powerful take on sexism in the workplace and what women can do about it. (And was a perfect way to start off 2017, given the current political climate.) We cover a slew of combative strategies we should all file away in our power tools department, including my favorite, “the verbal chicken” – she explains it all on the show!
* Wendy Powell – After having babies, women are often told to just “bootcamp” our postpartum bodies back to normal again. And even if that works on the outside, there are still issues on the inside, physically and emotionally. There’s been nowhere to receive proven guidance on a complete recovery… until my Premier client Wendy Powell came along and created her MuTu System. On this episode, she shares how she developed this system to help mums in a bigger way than she thought possible, and how she built a $1 Million business along the way! A wonderful and REAL conversation that will lift you up, right now.
* Elizabeth Gore – A colleague at the UN Foundation jokingly dubbed her the “humanitarian bulldozer” — to describe her drive and aptitude for effecting change on scalable levels. And in her latest position she’s doing the same: as the Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Dell, she drives initiatives that support the company’s goals around helping small- and medium-sized businesses scale and prosper. While Chair of the UN Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council (which I had the honor of being an entrepreneur delegate for), she helped build global partnerships that positively affect the UN’s most pressing humanitarian issues. We discuss where to go from here after the election — how we can step up to lead and effect change for the issues we care about.
Go here to listen to Glambition Radio now or download for later. (And remember to subscribe!)
And don’t take my word for it alone that these are powerful shows. Here’s just a sampling of the comments we are receiving:
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Love and success,