Are you tired of blasting out messages online with little response?
It’s time to fish in a new pond.
Even if you’re not looking to appear on magazine covers in the supermarket checkout lane, you’d be amazed by the bottom-line effects of a mention in your local paper or talk radio show. A magazine article or a short 2-minute interview on your city’s TV news show can do wonders to set you up as the expert in your industry, get you more speaking gigs, and get your name and business noticed. Plus, it can start the phone ringing almost instantly!
Positioning yourself and your business for the headlines is both a skill and art. That’s why I’m thrilled to offer you my next complimentary teleseminar with my business mentor, Anne McKevitt — a seasoned PR and media pro who’s worked both sides of the camera, generating thousands of newspaper and magazine articles during the past 20 years.
“PR Magic: How to Make You and Your Business Buzzworthy and Gain Coverage in TV, Radio, and Print”
with Ali Brown and
special guest Anne McKevitt
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
8:00pm Eastern
Anne’s a billion-dollar entrepreneur who grew her assortment of companies with MAJOR magazine, newspaper, and television coverage…and we’d like to tell you how you can do the same for your business.
Learn how to generate waves of attention for your business (at virtually no cost) by getting popular media on your side. Register for this complimentary call right away.
Love and success,
P.S. Your friends and colleagues will want to hear Anne’s best PR strategies (and some behind-the-scenes media stories that will amaze you), so why not invite them to the call? Just be sure to reserve your spot here first.