Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 18 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

“My #1 Secret to Productivity: Batching” by Ali Brown

One of the most exciting parts of starting and growing a business for most of us is the freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur. No one else dictating our schedule, how we work, or even what we’re working on. I remember those first days after I walked out of my last real job in NYC, practically singing “Born Free”!

But then the following week, I was humming a different tune… something like “Freak Out”… I realized I had jumped from a predictable pool into a vast ocean of freedom, and I had no idea how to structure my time.

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Women commit, but not this way…

I was thinking this past weekend…

It’s 2013, and while women are starting businesses at a faster rate than ever before (at an even faster rate than men are)… WHY is it that so many women still flounder when trying to grow their ventures?

Really, these are smart women who know that entrepreneurship is not only their BEST path, but also likely their ONLY solution to finally making the “real money” they need while building the life they want.

So where are they going wrong?

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"8 Ways to Turn Your Passion into Profits" by Ali Brown

As an entrepreneur, one of your most important duties is keeping your mind open to fresh moneymaking ideas.
Holding regular brainstorm sessions can uncover fresh spins on our original ideas, and keep the passion alive—not only within ourselves, but for our customers and clients as well.
But, if you want to have an eye-opening brainstorm session, it helps to be aware of the scope of ALL your possibilities, especially when it comes to new business ideas. Otherwise it’s easy to fall into a one-track mindset. For example, an aspiring business owner might say, “I really like fashion, so I’m going to be a fashion designer.”

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Why Comfortable Can Kill You—Step Out for Your Best Success!

What sets apart those who succeed from those who spend their life talking about what they should have and could have done?

According to transformational coach Vasavi Kumar, the secret lies in two words: choosing uncomfortable. Getting uncomfortable is the KEY to making things happen in your life.

And TONIGHT, I’ll be interviewing Vasavi as she reveals her proven methods from her S.O.U.R.C.E. of Your Success program to transform yourself from a thinker to a doer. Please join us!

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Your easiest, affordable, and best marketing tool…

Did you know your most effective, least expensive, and easiest marketing tool is something you’re using RIGHT NOW?

Whether you’re already working for yourself or you want to start a business, publishing an email newsletter or “ezine”, is simply something you HAVE to do.

And here’s the great news… you don’t have to even have a website, a product to sell, or be a writer to publish an ezine that makes you money.

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"7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Publishing an Ezine" by Ali Brown

Recent studies confirm that consumers and business owners alike still prefer email marketing as the #1 way of communicating about new products and services.
But for the most part, only retail chains or “daily deal” type sites can get away with straight promotional emails.
For small business owners and solo-preneurs like us, the ezine rules. What’s an ezine? Well, if you’re reading this article in my Spotlight then you’re reading one!

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“Do They ‘Get’ What You Do? 3 Must-Have Elements to a Powerful Marketing Message” by Ali Brown

Your marketing message is your ‘elevator pitch’. It’s a short, concise way to tell people what you do. Done well, it can turn a stranger into a potential client. But if it’s not well-crafted, it can actually kill your credibility, and turn people away.

When a struggling entrepreneur comes to me for help with their marketing, I make our first order of business to review their marketing message. I do this because it’s often the Achilles’ Heel in a business that’s plateaued, and it’s a simple fix that doesn’t cost a penny to implement.

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