Ali Brown, Author at Glambition Radio - Page 30 of 71

Displaying 703 Posts written by Ali Brown

“7 ‘Hard Knock’ Business Lessons Our Moms Never Taught Us” by Ali Brown

As more women leaders step up in the world, as business owners, philanthropists, and community role models, it’s clear that as protectors of that feminine, “yin”, energy, we possess certain qualities that are not only effective but VITAL to our society’s well-being.
But when it comes time to run our businesses, it seems like this idea of our femininity gets lost in translation. I see many women entrepreneurs struggle to find their unique, feminine voices—and as a result, we fall back on old stereotypes and behave like we think we “should”.
It is possible however, to be a lady AND run a successful business.

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“Ask Ali: Do I Need an MBA To Be Successful in Business?”

Question: “Ali, I am currently employed full time and a home party sales rep. I also recently applied to graduate school for my MBA. My goal is to start my own business. How do I choose one?”

— Kristin Hodnett, Stephenson, Va.

Ali’s Answer: “Oh Kristin. I’m going to be frank here! First of all, the fact you’re mentioning an MBA alarms me. Why do you want one? Is it because you want a worthwhile challenge that will keep you busy and feeling like you’re working toward a goal for two years?

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"Attention ADVANCED business owners… I have a HUGE opportunity for you!"

In 2010 I had the honor of being chosen as one of Ernst & Young’s 10 Entrepreneurial Winning Women for the year. (Here’s a photo of me and my “Class of 2010”!)
Being invited into this exclusive business “sorority” was not only a huge privilege, but has given me access to some incredible inside resources, including connections with potential strategic advisors, partners, and clients; prospective sources of private capital; access to informal, one-on-one guidance and support; and huge national visibility for my business. Best of all, it included an all-access pass to E&Y’s renowned Strategic Growth Forum—an annual conference in Palm Springs, California where elite business leaders speak and meet and E&Y’s annual Entrepreneur of the Year award is presented at a star-studded gala hosted by Jay Leno!

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"Up Your Cashflow by Next Week: 13 Ways to Have a SALE!" by Ali Brown

One of my most favorite ways to inject a little cashflow into my business is by hosting a SALE on my products and programs. I’ve hosted Valentine’s Day sales, Holiday sales, Mother’s Day sales—you name it!
I personally love this cashflow strategy because it’s not only a great way to leverage work I’ve already done, but it’s also fun to shake things up and generate excitement around my business.
While most of these are geared for products and courses, consider how you could offer a limited time special on your services as well. Not all of these will fit your business, but I bet you’ll get a great idea from at least one.

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Ask Ali: "How Do I Know My Business Will Succeed?"

Question: Ali, when first contemplating a business idea, what is the best way to evaluate its feasibility—especially for emerging areas like online businesses?
Lisa Almeida, Taking It Live!, USA
Ali’s Answer: “Hi Lisa and thanks for your question. Over the years I have personally coached hundreds of business owners, and I’ve witnessed the ones who have thrived versus the ones whose ventures never took off. When you are evaluating what type of business to start, there are dozens of variables to consider, but to keep it simple here, let’s look at the three basic steps to creating a business that will succeed:

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“Let the 80/20 Principle Pay Off for You!” by Ali Brown

It pays to play to your strengths. But how do you pinpoint the areas that will increase revenue and earn you more money? Simple: by following Pareto’s Principle.

Developed by Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto, this short, simple rule states that 80% of our results come from 20% of our activity.

You may have heard that we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time, and the same 80/20 rule applies to business. For instance, 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customers. Conversely, 80% of your complaints come from 20% of your customers, and 80% of the profits made in your industry come from 20% of the companies.

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“Read My Fox News Feature on Health Benefits of Working From Home”

A few days ago, the Fox News website published a feature on the health benefits of working from home. They interviewed me and I shared the positive impact that having a home office has had on me and my employees. You can read the article here.

Whether you have a home office, or you’re thinking of setting one up, in this article you’ll find great pieces of advice on how to gain a better work-life balance, eat, and relax while working from home. The author of this piece, Julie Relevant, is a solopreneur herself and she also shares her story on how having a home office has changed her life for the better.

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“How to Use Social Media to Deliver Stellar Customer Service” by Ali Brown

You’re probably familiar with this scenario: You log onto Facebook, post a cool factoid of the day for your community to process during their morning coffee break. And, by 3pm, among the dozens of comments and likes your post has generated, there it is—a random comment along the lines of: “I ordered my product last week, but I haven’t received it yet!” or “I tried to order one of your products but the order won’t go through.”

As business owners, we must accept the fact that our online presence opens us up to 24-hour customer service requests.

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“Only a Few Hours Left—Have You Watched My Sample SHINE Video?”

As you know, I recently made a BIG announcement about SHINE 2012, and that is that I’m taking a break this year. I’ll be using this extra time to work with my Elevate members, speak at many other events around the country, work on my new book, and some other personal projects.

While it was a hard decision, I’m excited at what else this year will bring! And there’s actually some GREAT NEWS in this for you…

For the FIRST TIME ever, I’m giving you the chance to experience SHINE again and again at home—without having to travel!

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“Why Do Women Take Business So Personally?” by Ali Brown

A few weeks ago, a woman named Anna freaked out on my Facebook page that I had referenced a certain well-known person as a brand.

She wrote, “… People are NOT brands, and people are not products… dehumanizing a person to a brand or a product is something that offends me…

I nicely pointed out that of course I’m not saying that person is not a human being! I was referring to the business perception and packaging of that person. But it still got Anna’s goat. She would not stop being offended by it.

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