That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our premier members during our member Monthly Access Calls.
Elevate Head Coach James Roche, Elevate Coach Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate Premier member who is making great strides with the program.
Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress.
Today, you’ll meet Elevate Premier member Celesyna Osiak, the founder of a successful women’s entrepreneurial coaching program, Coaching Studio 4. She was our spotlight during our May 2012 call.
Enjoy our quick interview with Celestyna below, and be sure to take notes. There are several golden nuggets you can apply to YOUR business right away!
Joy: Hi Celestyna. I’m excited about everything you’ve accomplished this year! Give us a brief snapshot into what you’ve done so far.
Celestyna: Well, first of all, I help women entrepreneurs work less, earn more, and stay aligned with their life mission. I do it in two ways. I offer soul coaching programs and business coaching programs. Before I started Elevate Premier, I basically had one group program, and I had a couple of clients. Right now, I’ve got 13 women who are regular clients. They are in my six-month program. Thanks to Joy, I’ve come up with an idea for my new group program, which is a four-month program called Power of Focus, where I coach women on how to find their niche, how to find their ideal clients, how to increase their revenues, and how to be happy with their business. I came up with the points of the program, the syllabus, and presented it to groups of women and individual clients. I basically sold it before I made it. What I’m happy about is using all the tips you guys gave in Elevate. I used the sales funnel, and it’s worked very well for me.
James: You did all this without a website. How?
Celestyna: I really started my career as a coach last year in 2011. I had 600 women on my list. I was at SHINE 2011 and you and Joy gave the networking bonanza. I came up with an idea of organizing an event called Networking Eldorado, where I would give women the opportunity to present their services, and I would teach them some secrets of networking. When I did that, I sent a sales letter in my newsletter, and I got 42 women enrolled in it. It was really great. Then I offered another one-day training. During my one-day training I offered my four-month program.
James: Your live event seemed to be the draw. That brought them to the space where you then wowed them and then ultimately converted them into your other programs.
Celestyna: Yes.
Joy: Yes. She’s so active, just getting out of the office and getting out around in her area and talking to people. It just works so beautifully for her. You’re doing such great work.
James: I love the fact that you’re doing this without a website. It’s like, yes, there’s a list, but it’s a starting list. You’re already finding success. I’m sure you’re going to just continue to take off because of the fact that you’re getting out there. You’re getting out from behind a computer. You’re actively networking and putting on events that are drawing people. The hook is there. Obviously it’s attracting the people. Now you’re going to grow the team and offer new programs. Yes, the website will be there at some point—but you’re doing it the way we have all done it. I think for me, Joy, Ali, many of us, this is exactly how we all got started too—in networking and events.
Joy: That’s great. Thank you so much, Celestyna.
Celestyna: Thank YOU so much.
To move forward in building your business, you need specialized information, experienced mentors and coaches, and a supportive community. It’s exactly what Ali created her Elevate program to provide!
For more information on the Elevate online training program, click here.
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