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Displaying 7 Posts categorized under ali brown’s blog

Join the 300,000 who already know…

I’m writing today with a special invitation for you to participate in a hugely popular and powerful free LIVE training event that I stand behind 1000%.

(I know because I’ve participated myself!)

My good friend, women’s transformation leader Claire Zammit, Ph.D.c., will be hosting a LIVE training to help you UNLOCK what she calls your three power centers of Feminine Power.
Register here at no charge.

According to Claire, and based on her work with thousands of women across the globe, feminine power is different than masculine power, which is the power to create things that can be controlled.

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Secrets to “big ticket” selling…

Are you REALLY charging what you could for your services?

If your answer is no, then I invite you to join me for a free event that shows you how to charge more with authenticity and ease.

My friend, author and business coach Jeneth Blackert, created the program, and I’m honored that she asked me to be a part of it. Go here now to learn more.

You’ll get free access to her “How to Sell Big Ticket Coaching” event with me and 11 of the most sought-after online women entrepreneurs.

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“Is Your Time Worth What You Think It Is?” by Ali Brown

Time is the most important asset you have—and unlike money, once you’ve spent it, you can’t earn any more. That’s why it’s so important to make the most of your 24 hours, especially as a business owner.

So, how can you become more productive and profitable, without working insane hours and sacrificing your personal life? Read on for a few steps on how to start managing your time like a successful entrepreneur…

STEP 1: Discover how much your time is worth

The first step to maximizing your time is to understand what yours is really worth.

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“Why You Should Not Wait for a Clear Vision Before You Move Forward” by Ali Brown

Whenever I’m speaking to entrepreneurs—whether it’s around the country or around the world—I’m always asked to share my now famous “ATM Story”. It’s one I kept close to the vest for years, because I was too embarrassed to reveal it. But today, I know it’s important to share. And why.

You see, we always look at successful people and think their rise to the top must have happened overnight. They must have had the big vision, the perfect plan, and lined-up circumstances. But that is NEVER the truth!

I quit my last job in 1999 and launched my first little venture offering business-writing services in New York City.

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"How to Handle Debt As You Grow Your Business” by Ali Brown

One of the most daunting four-letter words for entrepreneurs—particularly  women entrepreneurs—is the word D-E-B-T.
Most of us have had debt, or are in it right now and desperately trying to get out of it. We want to grow our businesses, but we cower under “tough love” financial advice from advisors like Suze Orman.
I love Suze’s advice on investing, and I’ve had the pleasure of speaking on stage with her. But she got my goat when she recommended that aspiring entrepreneurs should build impeccable credit first, and save TWELVE months of operating expenses… BEFORE starting a business at all!

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“9 Easy Headline Formulas” by Ali Brown

In the world of marketing, your first impression – your headline – can lead to either sales success…or failure. It’s important to realize that headlines work best when they appeal to your reader’s interests (not yours).

Not only can headlines grab attention, they can also make your message easy to read, convey your main selling points, and lead your customer to a sale. Remember, you want to go for a bold statement that the reader can’t pass up!

Here are 9 easy headline formulas I use all the time:

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“5 Signs It’s Time to Hire an Assistant” by Ali Brown

I often see my entrepreneur clients fall prey to a stubborn mindset: they strongly resist the idea of hiring help. Women entrepreneurs especially get stuck here.

But the truth is, trying to do it all yourself doesn’t make you a better business owner. In fact, it can hurt your business growth and throw your personal life off balance. An assistant can help you manage your business more efficiently, freeing you to focus on the big picture.

Here are FIVE tell-tale signs that you need to get help asap:

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