debt Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under debt

"How to Handle Debt As You Grow Your Business” by Ali Brown

One of the most daunting four-letter words for entrepreneurs—particularly  women entrepreneurs—is the word D-E-B-T.
Most of us have had debt, or are in it right now and desperately trying to get out of it. We want to grow our businesses, but we cower under “tough love” financial advice from advisors like Suze Orman.
I love Suze’s advice on investing, and I’ve had the pleasure of speaking on stage with her. But she got my goat when she recommended that aspiring entrepreneurs should build impeccable credit first, and save TWELVE months of operating expenses… BEFORE starting a business at all!

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Kim Kiyosaki, Wealth-building Expert, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Her brand is Rich Woman, so how could I not have the incredible Kim Kiyosaki on Glambition Radio?

Kim says she knew early on in life that she wanted to be her own boss. Sitting in a cube working 9-to-5 was not her thing, and despite everyone’s advice to stay in that secure job (health insurance! free coffee and pens!), she took a risk, left corporate America, followed her entrepreneurial bliss, and became a very rich woman indeed… in more ways than one.

You’re likely familiar with her husband and business partner Robert Kiyosaki, who authored the groundbreaking Rich Dad, Poor Dad in 1997.

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