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Displaying 75 Posts categorized under entrepreneur

“Why I Haven’t Watched the ‘News’ in 15 Years” by Ali Brown

Yesterday I was taking a break and decided to catch up with the news online at a major news site. Not sure what I was looking for. Just a kind of “what’s going on in our country” type of thing while I was having a coffee. 

But when I went to browse the headlines, I was only shown story after story that were all highlighting violence, abuse, cruelty, and other human atrocities. One of them, about a child murdered, led me to tears. 

Brett walked in and asked me if I was OK.

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“7 Mantras for Becoming a Money Magnet in the New Year” by Ali Brown

When I mentor my entrepreneur clients, most of them are surprised to discover that I often spend just as much time coaching them on a correct money mindset as I do on sound business strategies. How you think and feel about money is just as important as how you earn it. But if you don’t think and feel wealthy, then you’ll never get to that point.

So you need to think rich, feel rich, and take rich actions to achieve the lifestyle you want and to support the causes (and people) you care about.

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Why people just don’t “like” me…

This year, my team and I quickly became aware that being “liked” on Facebook was great—but being “shared” was even better.

In fact, there’s a super-simple trick we started using on Facebook this past March that increased our “likes” by 359%, our “comments” by 525% and our “shares” by get this—1,843%. (Hint: It’s not Facebook ads. It didn’t cost us a dime. And, it doesn’t involve having twin babies ;))

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You're going to love this…

You know just how much has shifted for me over the past year—and being a new mom to 4-month-old twins is just the start of it!
This growth and change has extended to my business mind as well.
And to celebrate, I’m hosting a new, FREE marketing class for you by phone on Thursday, October 3

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“5 Travel Tips for Smart Entrepreneurs” by Ali Brown

Traveling for business can be unnerving for entrepreneurs at all levels. Most of us get so busy keeping shop that we forget to make the transition from personal traveler to professional traveler—and the result is wasted hours, money, and time. Below are a few tips on how to start traveling like a pro. Remember, as a business owner, your time is money!

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“(Infographic) How Elevate can help you grow your business…”

If you’d like to see how my Elevate online business training program can help you grow your business in as little as 30 minutes a day, then I invite you to check out my brand new infographic, which lays the program out for you in an easy-to-follow, fun format.

To access the infographic, go to my Elevate Public Facebook Fan Page and “Like” the page—then follow the simple steps to get the entire graphic.

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"8 Secrets to Being a Successful Speaker" by Ali Brown

As a business owner, you’ll be surprised how much your world will expand when you begin to connect with a live audience. Your confidence will attract new clients, new resources, mentors, and the media. So, if you’re ready to master this powerful business development tool, here are my top 9 basic tips for success on the stage:
1. Research — Do your research before you even attempt to write your speech. Who is your audience? What are your “take aways” — the most important things you want them to walk away having learned from you?

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If you're a speaker or want to become one, read this…

If you want to learn how to dramatically increase your income as a speaker, then you’re going to love what I’m about to announce…
Starting TODAY, I’m holding a 50% OFF CLOSE-OUT SALE for one of my most powerful programs, “Simply Irresistible: How to Sell More from the Stage… Easily, Effortlessly, and Authentically”.
I teamed up with renowned sales expert Lisa Sasevich to create this 5-part program, and it’s helped hundreds of small business owners just like you boost their speaking gigs and bank accounts.

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“5 Tweet Formulas to Engage Your Clients and Customers” by Ali Brown

Every day, Twitter is abuzz with clever comments from the likes of everyone from Rihanna to Martha Stewart to Seth Godin. It’s an equal playing field where people are free to share and discuss any topic under the sun. And, with 140 million users, it’s a great way for entrepreneurs to get known and connect with potential customers.

But, many business owners fall into the trap of using Twitter as a soapbox, rather than a tool for conversation. Below are five Tweet formulas to try that will engage your clients and customers.

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“How to Make Money with Other People’s Products and Programs” by Ali Brown

If you keep up with marketing blogs and online business in general, it’s likely you’ve heard the word affiliate thrown around a lot. And it’s no wonder… Programs of this type are everywhere these days.

But many of you have asked me exactly what an affiliate is, and so I want to back up for a moment and clear up this concept once and for all.

An affiliate is someone who earns commissions for promoting someone else’s products or services.

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