facebook likes Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under facebook likes

How to increase your Facebook fanbase in MINUTES…

During my recent online workshop, which took place a few weeks ago, I shared a special “How-To” marketing training video that quite honestly raised the roof among those who attended.

People LOVED the super-simple Facebook trick I shared, and within MINUTES, were implementing this strategy on their own Facebook pages. (And from what I’m seeing, these savvy marketers are still enjoying the powerful results it’s bringing them.)

This marketing trick increased my own “likes” by 359%, my “comments” by 525% and my “shares” by get this—1,843%.

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Why people just don’t “like” me…

This year, my team and I quickly became aware that being “liked” on Facebook was great—but being “shared” was even better.

In fact, there’s a super-simple trick we started using on Facebook this past March that increased our “likes” by 359%, our “comments” by 525% and our “shares” by get this—1,843%. (Hint: It’s not Facebook ads. It didn’t cost us a dime. And, it doesn’t involve having twin babies ;))

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