free business training Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under free business training

Get Booked Everywhere! FREE Livestream TODAY!

Just a quick reminder that my friend Lisa Sasevich, the “Queen of Sales Conversions”, goes live with her FREE training event in just a few hours.

“Get Booked EVERYWHERE” starts TODAY, Wednesday, March 19, at 1PM Pacific/4PM Eastern. Go here now to secure your spot. 

When you join Lisa, not only will you meet some incredible surprise guests, but she’ll also be covering the most  important steps to take if you want to make a big difference AND big money at the same time.

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Boost Sales with Irresistible Offers–Free Training!

When it comes to understanding how to share your expertise without coming across as ‘salesy’ or ‘hypey’, my friend and former client Lisa Sasevich is one of the best in the business.

That’s why top marketers go to Lisa when it comes to the best way to make “Irresistible Offers”.

She just released a free content-rich training series that I think you’re going to find very valuable.

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