free marketing tips Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 5 Posts categorized under free marketing tips

“5 Tweet Formulas to Engage Your Clients and Customers” by Ali Brown

Recently, posted “10 Twitter Accounts Every Entrepreneur Should Be Following”… and guess who made the list? Yes! I’m honored to be one of their top 10, alongside Tony Hsieh and Seth Godin. You can see the list here.

Every day, Twitter is abuzz with clever comments from the likes of everyone from Rihanna to Martha Stewart to Seth Godin. It’s an equal playing field where people are free to share and discuss any topic under the sun. And, with more than 240 million users, it’s a great way for entrepreneurs to get known and connect with potential customers.

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Catch my last live online event of 2013…

I’m hosting my final live event of the year—and it’s happening in just FIVE days. If you’re a small business owner, you won’t want to miss it!

It’s my “Marketing Mastery Workshop”—a one-time web event for small business owners, happening Tuesday, October 8 at 2pm ET sharp. (It’s absolutely free to attend, and you can watch along with us from anywhere on your computer!)

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You're writing too much.

Feel like you’re continually creating articles, blog posts, social media posts, scripts for calls and webinars, etc.?
Well, please STOP right now, because I’m about to show you how you can cut this workload in HALF. 🙂
Once I realized I was always running on the wheel of never-ending content creation, I stepped back and looked at how I could start reusing my content in different ways.

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Why people just don’t “like” me…

This year, my team and I quickly became aware that being “liked” on Facebook was great—but being “shared” was even better.

In fact, there’s a super-simple trick we started using on Facebook this past March that increased our “likes” by 359%, our “comments” by 525% and our “shares” by get this—1,843%. (Hint: It’s not Facebook ads. It didn’t cost us a dime. And, it doesn’t involve having twin babies ;))

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You're going to love this…

You know just how much has shifted for me over the past year—and being a new mom to 4-month-old twins is just the start of it!
This growth and change has extended to my business mind as well.
And to celebrate, I’m hosting a new, FREE marketing class for you by phone on Thursday, October 3

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Site Design & Development Alchemy + Aim