free sales training Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under free sales training

“Your Easy 3-Step Sales Funnel” (PART 3 of 3) by Ali Brown

PART 3: Your Sales (The Conversion)

If you misread that as “conversation”, then you’re right too. Sales today is more about having a conversation with your leads, versus the old way of shoving your offer in their face. (I like to think of it as the more human, dare I say feminine, angle of business that’s taken over. We’ve totally evolved.)

For some of you with simple products, driving your peeps to buy is as simple as showing them the goods and giving them a simple description and a way to buy.

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Selling has changed, here's how…

You’ve likely noticed that “selling” as we know it has fundamentally shifted in the last few years.
If your customers or clients sense you have a hidden agenda, you’ll not only lose the sale, you could risk losing the relationship.
According to my good friend and trust-based sales expert Ari Galper: “Now, more than ever, it’s crucial you adopt a sales mindset shift.”

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