free training video Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under free training video

How to increase your Facebook fanbase in MINUTES…

During my recent online workshop, which took place a few weeks ago, I shared a special “How-To” marketing training video that quite honestly raised the roof among those who attended.

People LOVED the super-simple Facebook trick I shared, and within MINUTES, were implementing this strategy on their own Facebook pages. (And from what I’m seeing, these savvy marketers are still enjoying the powerful results it’s bringing them.)

This marketing trick increased my own “likes” by 359%, my “comments” by 525% and my “shares” by get this—1,843%.

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How to create a winning Facebook ad…

These days, Facebook advertising is proving to be a powerful tool for business owners to attract new clients and grow your list.

But there are secrets to creating a Facebook ad that can help you get better results. And today, I’m revealing them in a juicy FREE training video…

This video is taken straight from my Elevate online business training program, featuring powerful, proven strategies I’ve used to grow my own enterprise and the businesses of hundreds of my clients.

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