info publishing Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under info publishing

My special coupon code expires tonight…

Thousands of you have downloaded my free “Best Income Streams” report, and claimed $50 off my new program, “57 Income Streams: For More Money, Now and Later”. (Kudos, It’s one of my juiciest programs ever!)

If you haven’t had time to get the details, here’s your chance before the special offer ends TONIGHT…

If you’re a freelancer or solo-professional, it’s likely that you’re offering ONE key service—all you have to do is attract more clients, right? Well, if that was the solution, you’d be rich by now, don’t you think?

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Ask Ali: “I’m stuck on ideas for my blog. Can you help?”

Question: “Lots of companies seem to use blogs these days, in a business such as mine. It’s hard to figure out what to put in such a publication… giving away recipes isn’t an option!”

– Gabrielle Murphy, Sprinkles Cake House, Surrey B.C., Canada

Ali’s answer: Hi Gabrielle. Thanks for your question! You’d be surprised how many different angles you can generate for your blog that won’t give away your golden egg, but will still offer HIGH value to your readers. Remember, the purpose of your blog is to showcase your knowledge and expertise and stay connected with your readers—and constantly churning out recipes might not be the best way to achieve those two objectives.

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