journal giveaway Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under journal giveaway

‘The Myopic Business Epidemic’ — Glambition Radio Episode 175 with Ali Brown

I’m doing a bit of a RANT along with some educated observations on this solo episode of #GlambitionRadio, and the subject is the epidemic of *myopic* business owners. ‘Myopic’ basically means being nearsighted, lacking foresight, or lacking insight.

Especially within the current online madness, I still see too much ‘following the leader’ and not enough critical thinking. In many cases I’m seeing a lack of even ‘common sense’ thinking.

I see entrepreneurs who consider themselves ‘innovative’ locked into only improving the models that have worked in the past. They don’t even want to test new methods.

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Announcing the Glambition Radio Journal Giveaway! Special Fall Preview Episode — Glambition Radio Episode 174 with Ali Brown

We’ve got a lot of cool things coming up on #GlambitionRadio, so I decided to do a quick update episode for you that walks you through everything in one spot. Listen now to hear about the exciting new show schedule we’re taking on beginning this September, as well as a sneak preview of some of our powerful upcoming guests this fall — women leaders from a variety of fields who have grown their dreams to huge impact and incomes. (Many of these women are names you know or have founded brands you know!)

And then you’ll hear how YOU can get your hands on a special limited edition **Glambition Radio journal** that I had created especially just for my listeners!

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