katherine woodward thomas Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 5 Posts categorized under katherine woodward thomas

TODAY: Me, Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, and… YOU

Just one more reminder…

I’m about to participate in one of the most EPIC online events for the advancement of women I’ve ever seen…

It starts TODAY, and YOU are invited!

Women on the Edge of Evolution is a powerful virtual conference with today’s leading female change-makers and influencers, and it’s just around the corner.

This event is being hosted by my good friend Claire Zammit, whose Feminine Power teachings are simply profound.

And in addition to Claire and myself, you’ll also hear from more than 20 other leading female thinkers, artists and change-agents, including Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, lyanla Vanzant, Jean Houston, Sandra Yancey, Arielle Ford, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marci Shimoff, and Katherine Woodward Thomas.

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Me, Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, and… YOU

I’m about to participate in one of the most EPIC online events for the advancement of women I’ve ever seen…

And YOU are invited!

Women on the Edge of Evolution is a powerful virtual conference with today’s leading female change-makers and influencers, and it’s just around the corner.

This event is being hosted by my good friend Claire Zammit, whose Feminine Power teachings are simply profound.

And in addition to Claire and myself, you’ll also hear from more than 20 other leading female thinkers, artists and change-agents, including Arianna Huffington, Marianne Williamson, lyanla Vanzant, Jean Houston, Sandra Yancey, Arielle Ford, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marci Shimoff, and Katherine Woodward Thomas.

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Do you know my friends Claire and Katherine?

If you don’t know these gals, you really need to. And here’s the chance to learn from their powerful teachings at no cost.

Do you want to use your gifts to make a difference in the world?

Do you want to be successful in ways that are aligned with your deepest values?

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The Feminine Spiritual Path to Power & Purpose—Free Webinar!

Do you want to use your gifts to make a difference in the world?
Do you want to be successful in ways that are aligned with your deepest
And, do you want to experience an intimate connection with a loving partner
while continuing to grow spiritually and become more fully and profoundly yourself?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, there’s an upcoming free global webinar that I know YOU WILL LOVE!

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Ladies is something still missing?

My friends Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward Thomas at Evolving Wisdom have pointed out that Western women have truly become the most autonomous, educated, and powerful generation in recorded history.

But studies show that many of us feel less happy and healthy, more lonely–and even more depressed–today, than ever before.

50% of us are now living alone without a partner

One in five of us is on anti-depressants (not counting those of us who feel unhappy and unfulfilled)

75% of us have unhealthy relationships with food and our own bodies

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