kim kiyosaki Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under kim kiyosaki

The prosperous woman…

There’s a big difference between just “following your bliss” and actually going out and growing a business that also fuels and funds your bliss. 

Yes, your prosperity is something you must focus on… otherwise your bliss will evade you in the end.

And there’s no better guest to have on TOMORROW’S “Business Bliss” web event than my new friend Kim Kiyosaki. She’ll be dropping by our studio here in Phoenix to discuss women and worth, and how we can become truly prosperous women.

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Wealth, wine, and drop-dead gorgeous gowns…

I wanted to update you on the latest 3 episodes of my new Glambition™ Radio show. We’ve had over 40,000 downloads since we launched in January! If you haven’t caught it yet, here’s another sneak peek.

Here’s a quick rundown on the latest 3 episodes that you can listen to or download right now for free…

Wealth-building Expert Kim Kiyosaki took a huge risk when she left her secure 9-5 job, but she followed her entrepreneurial bliss and is living the dream. 

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Kim Kiyosaki, Wealth-building Expert, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Her brand is Rich Woman, so how could I not have the incredible Kim Kiyosaki on Glambition Radio?

Kim says she knew early on in life that she wanted to be her own boss. Sitting in a cube working 9-to-5 was not her thing, and despite everyone’s advice to stay in that secure job (health insurance! free coffee and pens!), she took a risk, left corporate America, followed her entrepreneurial bliss, and became a very rich woman indeed… in more ways than one.

You’re likely familiar with her husband and business partner Robert Kiyosaki, who authored the groundbreaking Rich Dad, Poor Dad in 1997.

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