Marketing Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under Marketing

Is your marketing on autopilot?

As entrepreneur women, we have enough on our plates without having to manually manage our marketing tasks every day. Fortunately, there are a lot of great marketing automation systems out there to choose from.

The one I use and recommend to all my high-end clients is Infusionsoft. It’s the only all-in-one sales and marketing software specifically for small businesses

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Don't miss my free live webinar Thursday!

I’m writing to invite you to join the most powerful online training program I’ve ever created to help entrepreneurs promote and grow their business. And I’m going to walk you through it, step by step, on a free webinar this Thursday.
And I’m writing you as a courtesy as well, because it’s become so popular that we’re about to CLOSE the doors to new members.
My exclusive Elevate program gives you an entire year’s worth of business and marketing know-how, covering a solid plan of online and offline strategies, handed to you in easy-to-implement lessons.

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“The Day I Learned to Start Saying ‘No’” by Ali Brown

When I started my first business as a marketing communications writer years ago, most of my clients hired me for newsletters, brochures, and sales materials, but I would get the occasional request for something different. At the time I was too naive to consider saying “no” to any project that didn’t fit me perfectly. (Especially when I was living paycheck to paycheck.)

A perfect example of this was when a colleague named Chip asked if I could write a short script for a customer service training video. “Wow,” I said. “Video! That sounds like fun.

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“How to Narrow Down Your Target Market” by Ali Brown

One of the most common mistakes I see business owners make is refusing to narrow down their target market, or decide on their market. When I make the suggestion, some people get very uncomfortable. The main fear sounds something like this: “I’m not going to turn people away—EVERYONE can buy my product/use my services!”
You’re right to believe in the value of your product or service as something that will benefit many and all people. BUT, think of it this way…
Marketing is a lot like fishing.

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