Millionaire Time & Productivity Secrets Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 9 Posts categorized under Millionaire Time & Productivity Secrets

“My #1 Secret to Productivity: Batching” by Ali Brown

One of the most exciting parts of starting and growing a business for most of us is the freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur. No one else dictating our schedule, how we work, or even what we’re working on. I remember those first days after I walked out of my last real job in NYC, practically singing “Born Free”!

But then the following week, I was humming a different tune… something like “Freak Out”… I realized I had jumped from a predictable pool into a vast ocean of freedom, and I had no idea how to structure my time.

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“Is Your Time Worth What You Think It Is?” by Ali Brown

Time is the most important asset you have—and unlike money, once you’ve spent it, you can’t earn any more. That’s why it’s so important to make the most of your 24 hours, especially as a business owner.

So, how can you become more productive and profitable, without working insane hours and sacrificing your personal life? Read on for a few steps on how to start managing your time like a successful entrepreneur…

STEP 1: Discover how much your time is worth

The first step to maximizing your time is to understand what yours is really worth.

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My 40% off Spring Sale ends tonight…

This is a final courtesy reminder that my Spring Sale ends TONIGHT. If you’ve been eyeing ANY of my award-winning products for business and personal success, this is your LAST chance to SAVE 40%!

To claim your savings, visit my Success Store by MIDNIGHT tonight and enter coupon code SPRING40 at checkout. You’ll instantly SAVE 40% on your purchase.

Whether you’re just starting out, or are ready to take your business to the next level, you’ll likely find a resource in my Success Store that can transform your business.

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My Spring Sale is on! Save 40% OFF ALL products!

Starting today, my Spring Sale is ON!

For the next 48 hours ONLY, you’ll SAVE 40% off ANY of my award-winning products for business and personal success. Visit my Success Store today, and enter coupon code SPRING40 at checkout to instantly SAVE 40% on your purchase.

Whether you’re just starting out, or are ready to take your business to the next level, you’ll likely find a resource in my Success Store that can transform your business.

Here’s a sampling of the 13 products and courses you’ll find on sale tomorrow:

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Spring Sale—Save 40% off ALL products!

Mark your calendars… I’ve decided to host a SPRING SALE—and it starts tomorrow, Wednesday April 16.

For 48 hours only, you can SAVE 40% off ANY of my award-winning products for business and personal success. If you haven’t shopped my Success Store before, it’s chock-full of helpful resources to help grow your business and transform your life.

Here’s a sampling of the 13 products and courses you’ll find on sale tomorrow:

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“5 Travel Tips for Smart Entrepreneurs” by Ali Brown

Traveling for business can be unnerving for entrepreneurs at all levels. Most of us get so busy keeping shop that we forget to make the transition from personal traveler to professional traveler—and the result is wasted hours, money, and time. Below are a few tips on how to start traveling like a pro. Remember, as a business owner, your time is money!

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“Why You Should Not Wait for a Clear Vision Before You Move Forward” by Ali Brown

Whenever I’m speaking to entrepreneurs—whether they are around the country or around the world—I’m always asked to share my now famous “ATM Story”. It’s one I kept close to the vest for years, because I was too embarrassed to reveal it. But today, I know it’s important to share. And why.

You see, we always look at successful people and think their rise to the top must have happened overnight. They must have had the big vision, the perfect plan, and lined-up circumstances. But that is NEVER the truth!

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My Holiday Sale is ON!

Starting today, my Holiday Sale is ON!

For the next 72 hours ONLY, you’ll SAVE 40% on ANY of my award-winning products for business and personal success. Visit my Success Store today, and enter coupon code HOLIDAY40 at checkout to instantly SAVE 40% on your purchase.

Whether you’re just starting out, or are ready to take your business to the next level, you’ll likely find a resource in my Success Store that can transform your business.

Here’s a sampling:

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Save 40% during my Holiday Sale…

Mark your calendars… I’ve decided to host a HOLIDAY SALE—and it starts next Monday, December 10, 2012.

For 72 hours only, you can SAVE 40% on ANY of my award-winning products for business and personal success. If you haven’t shopped my Success Store before, it’s chock-full of helpful resources to help grow your business and transform your life.

Here’s a sampling:

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