miracle mindset Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under miracle mindset

JJ Virgin on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

JJ Virgin, author of “Miracle Mindset” on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

My friend and past client JJ Virgin, fitness expert and four-time NY Times best-selling author, accomplishes everything she sets out to do. But, when a brutal hit-and-run car accident threatened her son’s life, she turned into an unstoppable force. Miraculously, JJ stared down every mother’s worst nightmare and saved her son’s life.

On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, JJ and I talk intimately about her family’s pain, standing up to doctors, and why she was compelled to open up in her new book, “Miracle Mindset: A Mother, Her Son, & Life’s Hardest Lessons.” 

The first night at the hospital, doctors gave Grant less than a 25% chance of survival and diagnosed irreparable brain damage.

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My friend JJ’s miracle…

You’ve likely heard me rave about my past client JJ Virgin, who coached with me for a few years to build what has become one of the most successful nutritional enterprises in the U.S.

But what you may NOT know is what she went through just a few years ago when she nearly lost one of her teenage sons. After a hit-and-run accident, doctors told her there was no hope for him and it would be best to let him go.

No mother wants to hear this.

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