open affiliate program Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under open affiliate program

“Should You Start an Affiliate Program?” by Ali Brown

Last week, I shared some affiliate basics for those of you who have wondered what affiliate marketing is, and why it’s such a popular income stream.

This week, I’m taking the topic a step further for those of you who are thinking about starting an affiliate program for your own business. It’s a quite simple concept.

First, know that affiliate programs really go back to business owners wanting to say “thank you” to people who send them referrals. Think of some of your loyal customers who consistently refer new clients to you.

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“How to Make Money with Other People’s Products and Programs” by Ali Brown

If you keep up with marketing blogs and online business in general, it’s likely you’ve heard the word affiliate thrown around a lot. And it’s no wonder… Programs of this type are everywhere these days.

But many of you have asked me exactly what an affiliate is, and so I want to back up for a moment and clear up this concept once and for all.

An affiliate is someone who earns commissions for promoting someone else’s products or services.

For example, have you ever recommended a great book to a friend?

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