organic lotion Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under organic lotion

Geri Stengel, Author of Forget the Glass Ceiling, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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When Geri Stengel’s corporate bosses nixed her suggestions, she decided to share her good ideas with small business owners instead, and make a handsome living doing it. And today corporations like CNBC and Dell hire her for her research and expertise as well. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Geri tells the story of how she struck out on her own, became an expert in women’s entrepreneurship, and why she never stops reaching for the brass ring. 

Geri had it all planned. Her dream while in school was literally to go “work in a large corporation, live in Manhattan, and wear fancy clothes”.

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Angela Jia Kim of Om Aroma & Co. and Savor the Success on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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Angela Jia Kim already had a successful career as a concert pianist when her passion for creating organic lotions in her kitchen at home turned into a full-time business. On this week’s episode of Glambition Radio, Angela tells the story of how she became an “accidental entrepreneur”, and why today she’s focusing on helping women entrepreneurs “Savor the Success”.
Breaking out in a rash changed Angela’s life. One night just before she was about to go on stage, Angela suffered an allergic reaction to a body lotion.

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