paris Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under paris

Tara Mario on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Tara Marino, Founder of Elegant Femme on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

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After losing her newborn son, Tara Marino hit rock bottom and questioned everything about her life and all existence. But today she tells her story on how she rebuilt her life and faith, piece by piece, and how in the end that tragedy steered her to wait no longer to go after her dreams.

Now, as a successful entrepreneur, fashion designer, wife, and mother of two healthy boys, she lives with her family in Paris and travels the world leading women to rediscover what it really means to live *fully*.

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Walking away from what I "wanted"…

Can I share a secret with you?

The “dream life” I’ve settled into in the Scottsdale suburbs once I had my babies has given us a few good years, but my Aussie husband and I are feeling a bit….wanderlusty.

We are done with the big, high-maintenance house and other things we previously desired.

And since the twins will be 3 in May and they seem to be good little travelers so far, we have decided to change course during this window of time, before they are of school age.

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