small business Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under small business

A $250,000 grant for your business? Here’s what you need to know …

Please read this post carefully because it could change your business, and your life.

I’m excited to share a new program I am working on with Chase—and it could give YOU the financial support you need to take your business to the next level.

I’m serving on a panel for their new Mission Main StreetSM Grants program, which will award 12 grants of $250,000 each to small businesses across America.

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Catch my last live online event of 2013…

I’m hosting my final live event of the year—and it’s happening in just FIVE days. If you’re a small business owner, you won’t want to miss it!

It’s my “Marketing Mastery Workshop”—a one-time web event for small business owners, happening Tuesday, October 8 at 2pm ET sharp. (It’s absolutely free to attend, and you can watch along with us from anywhere on your computer!)

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"4 Easy Habits for Social Media Success" by Ali Brown

With so many voices on social media, from angsty teenagers to big brand marketers, it’s easy to get drowned out in all the noise. So how do you add your own unique thumbprint that attracts the right people to your profile?
It all starts with being truly thoughtful about the content you post, and how you choose to share it. Remember, it’s not just about getting your business noticed in a newsfeed once—it’s about getting people to want to come to your page to experience the real connection and value YOU offer. And they’ll do this when they resonate with your style and your mission, and truly trust in your expertise and insights.

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“Why the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Mentality is Threatening to Small Business Owners Everywhere” by Ali Brown

Listen, it’s good when people shake things up. It gets us all to stop, think, and question what we’ve always accepted. And that’s what Occupy Wall Street has surely done for all of us.

It seems the biggest issue the protestors have relates to corporate favoritism that was so visible during the bail-outs. I would wholeheartedly AGREE in disgust. That IS worth protesting for.

There are archaic business models that just don’t work anymore. They have erupted to the surface to be dealt with, and it’s going to be messy. And it will take quite a while for healthy, new models to emerge into center stage.

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