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Displaying 13 Posts categorized under social media

“5 Steps to a Powerful LinkedIn Profile” By Ali Brown

When it comes to marketing your business via social media, Facebook, and Twitter get most of the hype. But, LinkedIn is a powerful tool for attracting new clients to your business and impressing your current ones, especially if you are a service provider.

Think of LinkedIn as a more professional version of Facebook where you can post links and status updates, join groups, and connect with key players in your industry, and stay in touch with people in your professional circles.

Here are five steps to creating a LinkedIn profile that can grow your client list:

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“5 Tweet Formulas to Engage Your Clients and Customers” by Ali Brown

Every day, Twitter is abuzz with clever comments from the likes of everyone from Rihanna to Martha Stewart to Seth Godin. It’s an equal playing field where people are free to share and discuss any topic under the sun. And, with 140 million users, it’s a great way for entrepreneurs to get known and connect with potential customers.

But, many business owners fall into the trap of using Twitter as a soapbox, rather than a tool for conversation. Below are five Tweet formulas to try that will engage your clients and customers.

Tweet Formula #1: Ask a question

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“They’re Saying WHAT About You Online? Here’s How to Know” by Ali Brown

As you grow your online presence, it’s inevitable that along with all the clients, customers, followers, and fans who support your success and sing your praises from the rooftops… there are also a few people who, well, think you suck.

Or maybe not that bad, but they just want to complain about you. Or say something mean. Or be weird. And they will write about how they feel somewhere online.

For ladies like you and me, who grew up with “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all”, it’s first of all shocking and saddening when you learn people do this in the first place.

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