success coaching Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 4 Posts categorized under success coaching

My free coaching webinar in 2 days!

I know you’re likely busy right now, with Christmas getting closer. And once we turn that corner, 2014 is staring us right in the face. A new year with brand new possibilities!

In 2 days, I’m presenting a new free webinar for anyone who has ever wanted to get into coaching as a career. AND, for all those coaches out there who are finally ready to take their business to the next level.

It’s called “9 Steps to Growing a Wildly Profitable Coaching Business” and it’s happening this Thursday, Dec.

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:( It breaks my heart…

Coaching is an incredibly rewarding business.

But it’s also one of the most frustrating—if you don’t have a solid plan for your business to generate some serious profits.

It pains me to see so many coaches (who are here to serve) struggle and never reach their potential, because they get stuck in the mud of financial worries.

They want to do what they love, and help others, but they just aren’t making the profits to take off and REALLY soar.

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Your Coaching Business

I just filmed a brand new video interview, and I thought you’d like to see it… especially if you are a COACH… or are interested in getting into coaching as a business.

In the video, I talk about how I got started in coaching, share tips on growing a profitable coaching business, reveal how I planned my first million-dollar year, and more.

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How to start landing corporate contracts…

Did you know 60% of the large companies in the U.S. have set goals to significantly increase the amount of money they are spending with women-and minority-owned businesses?

This is a huge opportunity for YOU to land big contracts instead of chasing individual clients one-by-one.

Tonight, executive coach (and my own Elevate client) Shayna Rattler will show you how to get into this lucrative market. You’ll learn how to identify your corporate business opportunities, what certification is and how it works, and insider tips and shortcuts to give you a leg up right away.

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