women winemakers Archives - Glambition Radio

Displaying 2 Posts categorized under women winemakers

Wealth, wine, and drop-dead gorgeous gowns…

I wanted to update you on the latest 3 episodes of my new Glambition™ Radio show. We’ve had over 40,000 downloads since we launched in January! If you haven’t caught it yet, here’s another sneak peek.

Here’s a quick rundown on the latest 3 episodes that you can listen to or download right now for free…

Wealth-building Expert Kim Kiyosaki took a huge risk when she left her secure 9-5 job, but she followed her entrepreneurial bliss and is living the dream. 

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Deborah Brenner, Founder of Women of the Vine, this week on Glambition Radio with Ali Brown

Even if you don’t know a Chardonnay from a Cabernet, you’re going to love this delicious episode of Glambition Radio with Deborah Brenner, founder and CEO of Women of the Vine.

In a traditionally male-dominated industry, Deborah created the first of its kind wine company that unites award-winning women winemakers under one brand. And she left a cushy six-figure corporate job to do it.

On the show she shares how a painful divorce was actually the catalyst for her to say “screw this—what do I really want to do?” And a trip to Napa, California was her next soul-searching step.

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