"5 Simple Steps to Elevate Your Life" by Ali Brown - Glambition Radio

"5 Simple Steps to Elevate Your Life" by Ali Brown

I know what it’s like to think that the lifestyle you want is out of reach. Just over 12 years ago, I would lie on my bed in my tiny 400-square-foot studio apartment and flip through magazines, wishing I could have the luxurious lifestyles I read about.
Despite that negative, nagging voice in my head that reminded me I could barely afford rent, I’m now living a beautiful life I created for myself from scratch. Instead of moping around an apartment I can barely afford, I now have the means to travel and to inspire others.
How’d I do it? By deciding not to settle for being average and thinking BIG.
Changing your mindset can be a challenge, but the rewards are well worth the cost. Here’s how you can get started…

  1. Eliminate negativity. This includes negative self-talk, too. Why would the universe bring you a better life if you don’t appreciate what you already have? Show gratitude for everything in your life now. Those seemingly bad days happen for a reason, so whenever you find yourself thinking, “I can’t do this” or “that’s impossible,” reframe it as the opposite. “I can do that, that is possible…” You owe it to yourself to give yourself the love and support you need to succeed.

  3. Document your dreams. I wanted to manifest a new house, so I listed all of the qualities in my dream home: a 3-car garage, workout room, walk-in closets… (Don’t censor yourself! Anything is possible, even if it seems silly now.) I also bought some real estate magazines, cut out pictures of homes I love, and created a collage. I’m constantly updating my “dream board,” which is now proudly displayed in my dream house!

  5. Surround yourself ONLY with supportive people. I only shared my house dream with friends and family I knew would support my decision. (NOT those prone to phrases like “Are you crazy? Who do you think you are? Ms. Trump?”) Your true friends and family will be happy to share in your dream. If you don’t have anyone else to support you, then it’s time to make new friends—join a local networking group or a mastermind.

  7. Decide, believe, and watch for clues. It’s not enough to make a decision to work towards your dreams. You must also truly believe in them! Don’t worry about HOW your dreams will manifest themselves. Watch for clues, and the HOW will find you, perhaps in the form of a new business partner or a new client. But remember that the dream comes before the HOW.

  9. ACT on opportunities when they appear. Action involves risk. You might have to hire more people to help with a new client. You’ll need time to research that prospective business partner. Or figure out how to hire that amazing new mentor. But it’s up to YOU to take action when the path is revealed. The universe is supporting you, and each step will bring you closer to your dreams.

Question: What mindset strategies have helped YOU Elevate your life? Please share your insights in the comment section below.
If you’re wondering where to start RIGHT NOW to elevate your business, then don’t miss my free training video: “Websites That Work”. This is a sample video from my online business training program Elevate that will show you how your website can attract new clients to your products or services, establish yourself as an expert in your field, showcase your products to close the sale on the spot, and more. Get access to this FREE training video here now.
© 2013 Ali International, LLC
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“Entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown teaches women around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “Top 10 Secrets for Entrepreneurial Women” at www.AliBrown.com“

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