Coaching is an incredibly rewarding business.
But it’s also one of the most frustrating—if you don’t have a solid plan for your business to generate some serious profits.
It pains me to see so many coaches (who are here to serve) struggle and never reach their potential, because they get stuck in the mud of financial worries.
They want to do what they love, and help others, but they just aren’t making the profits to take off and REALLY soar.
I’m here to tell you that it absolutely does not have to be that way.
In fact, let me not just tell you. I’d like to SHOW you, on myfree webinar, called “9 Steps to Growing a Wildly Profitable Coaching Business” on Wednesday, November 12, at 3pm ET.
You can register now here.

Co-leading this webinar with me will be Joy Chudacoff, my colleague who has also built her own very profitable coaching business from the ground
up. So you’ll be learning from not just one but TWO successful coaches who have powerful expertise to share, and the profits to prove it!
Here are just a FEW of the juicy bits we’ll be covering during this webinar:
* Your coaching prescription for reaching $100,000 in revenues a year with one part-time assistant… and NO live events. (You can also choose to go smaller… or aim much, much higher… but $100-200K is a very happy goal for many folks. We’ll explain why, and lay out a plan for you on the spot.)
* “Toto… We’re not in Kansas anymore!” How the coaching industry has changed dramatically over the last few years (there are pros and cons), and what you need to know NOW in order to be profitable and grow.
* How to plan for profit from the start—including getting your first $$$ clients. (We both “accidentally” discovered coaching as a business in the beginning, and we’ll share what you can learn from our mistakes with price points, timelines, and promises.)
* Why you DON’T need 10 or 20 different marketing strategies—but you do need to know YOUR best 3. (Don’t worry; we’ll help you figure this out! We know it’s overwhelming out there right now.)
And of course, we’ll give you your complete “9 Steps to Growing a Wildly Profitable Coaching Business!”
Have your paper and pen ready, because we’ll be covering a lot of information.
Reserve your spot here now—I hope you can join us!See you there! 🙂
Love and success,