As we near the end of 2022, I wanted to make sure you caught one of my best received solo episodes ever on #GlambitionRadio.
A few weeks ago, I dropped the episode ‘The Power of Subtraction’, and I had no idea how much this would resonate with my listeners!
In business we seem to worship nonstop expansion, adding on, increasing volume, and stacking layers of complexity onto what we do.
Today, going into 2023, I invite you instead to honor subtraction — the ‘taking away’ — and study its effect.
Hear me now… this will actually help move you forward in the right way, faster than your alternatives. It has a lot to do with energy. And space. And I explain it all on this episode of #GlambitionRadio.
You’ll hear:
* How to unhook yourself from goals related to who you WERE and instead be PULLED toward your new vision (no need to ‘push through’).
* When to create a *vacuum* that immediately creates space that will be filled in (be careful to stay strong with your intentions during this phase).
* A few of my *tips and tricks* to create as much space as possible when you know you are going through a big transition.
* Why I now approach leading events *completely differently* than I would have years ago. (But it’s not for the faint of heart!)
And there’s a lot more. This is all so important to me right now, as I’m undergoing another personal reinvention. There is so much to this show, so head over to Apple Podcasts now to listen to this episode of Glambition Radio (or download it for later).
Soon I’ll be logging off to spend the holidays with my loved ones. And I wish you a wonderful, joyous season!