Talk About a Testimonial! - Glambition Radio

Talk About a Testimonial!

Wow, had no idea that my testimonial for would be featured in a FULL-PAGE ad in Inc. magazine this month! If you’re browsing through a Barnes & Noble this weekend, check out page 117 in the Nov. issue. Reading my words made me all nostalgic about how awesome SHINE was this year…

I have to say that hosting SHINE in Sin City definitely adds a little twist to the entire event (maybe it’s all that oxygen they pump into the hotels!). Vegas is bright lights, over the top grandiosity that just promotes a fun, lavish event. My team and I are already coming up with some really fun ideas for SHINE in 2011. It’s in a fresh new location next year and it’s going to be a blast with a totally new twist! Stay tuned for more details 😉

Love and success,


© 2010 Ali International, LLC

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