I’m excited to share a new program I am working on with Chase—and it could give YOU the financial support you need to take your business to the next level.
I’m serving on a panel for their new Mission Main StreetSM Grants program, which will award 12 grants of $250,000 each to small businesses across America.
If you have a dream to grow your business, and this sounds like exactly what you need, first see if you meet the eligibility requirements at www.MissionMainStreetGrants.com.
If you meet the requirements, I encourage you to apply as soon as possible!
All eligible applicants will receive a Social Media Toolkit to aid in their campaign. There is also a special advertising offer from Google, the program’s Premier Sponsor..
The 12 grant recipients will not only receive the $250,000 grant, but will also be eligible to attend an exclusive small business marketing workshop at Google’s offices. (Haven’t you always wanted to see Google headquarters for yourself?)
To get all the details and submit your application, go to www.MissionMainStreetGrants.com. (But get a move on it—the deadline to apply is Thursday, October 31, 2013!)
It’s not often you see an opportunity like this, so please take a minute now to go to www.MissionMainStreetGrants.com.
And watch for me appearing on local media in coming weeks to help spread the word about this exciting program for small businesses.