"A Revelation That Changes Everything" - Glambition Radio

"A Revelation That Changes Everything"

With my birthday coming up next week, I’ve been thinking a lot about how the world is truly at a crossroads today. And do you know who has the innate power to set it right?
Yes, we do.
But there’s a dark secret behind that knowledge, one that simple awareness doesn’t change.
Can you guess who stands in the way of our greatest accomplishments, most rewarding relationships, and enduring successes?
We do.
Because even as you, your daughters and women all around us are welcoming our newfound passion, purpose and power to create meaningful and lasting changes in our world … it seems that we’ve been programmed NOT to let each other succeed!
Well, it’s time to END this self-sabotaging cycle. I want to share exactly how.
And I’m doing it with one of my best friends — someone I consider my “soul sister.”
Who is she? And what is the Revelation?
Find out here right now.
I hope you join us.
Love and success,

P.S. This could be the most important call you’ve ever attended. For yourself, your women friends, your daughters. Don’t miss it. Learn more here.
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