An exciting update and personal invite for you…
A few weeks ago, my new network The Trust held its Official Fall Meeting here in Scottsdale, AZ. Given the current travel limitations, I was thrilled to still have over halfof our powerful new group fly in to meet in person. We also enjoyed seeing our other members join us virtually from all over the U.S. and the world.

They come from a variety of industries, backgrounds, networks, cultures, and beliefs. The energy in the room and discussions we had? Extraordinary. Everyone left with a sense of power over the turbulent time we are in right now, and new strategies to focus on going into next year.
I personally completed the meeting knowing deeply this had been exactly the right year to create this new circle of high-achieving women who are making a big impact.
>>> The conversations women like this are having behind closed doors are changing the worlds outside of them.
Current members of The Trust lead businesses with annual revenues averaging at $5 million and stretching up to $50 million. That’s impressive enough, but it’s the stellar quality of these women and the level of our conversations, connections, and generosity that is really standing out for all of us.
We enjoy time with Special Guest Advisors who are founders of companies typically generating $100 million+ in annual sales. Recent and upcoming guests include Ellen Latham, cofounder of the $1 Billion company Orangetheory Fitness, Christina Stembel, founder + CEO of industry disruptor Farmgirl Flowers, and Kara Goldin, founder + CEO of the $150M company Hint Inc.
And that’s just the start. There’s a lot more I’d love to share with you, but I’d really love to talk you through it personally.

I’ll also be answering your questions, so you can see if this would be a great fit for your goals going into 2021.
So if you are a female entrepreneur who is currently running a business at the $1M level or above, I hope you can make this private call.
Please reserve your spot at
And if you’re not ready for The Trust (yet!), please forward this to a woman you know who could benefit from a new circle of powerful women leaders.

PS— I haven’t personally hosted a call like this in a long time, so I am truly looking forward!