"Check Out My Marketing Tips in This Month's SUCCESS Magazine" - Glambition Radio

"Check Out My Marketing Tips in This Month's SUCCESS Magazine"

Have you seen the February 2012 issue of SUCCESS magazine? They interviewed me about online marketing for entrepreneurs. In the article, I reveal the top online marketing mistakes small biz owners should avoid. I also share what would be the three things I’d do to market my company, if I was only able to do three things a day. You can read the feature here.

SUCCESS magazine has been around for years. I remember picking up a copy when I was still in a job in my early 20s, and becoming greatly interested in hearing the advice from experts on how to make more of myself and this life. They’ve done a great job modernizing it in the past few years with more current information—thanks to publisher Darren Hardy—and after a long stretch of appearing to be an old boys’ club, I notice they are finally including a great deal more WOMEN. 🙂 I’m honored to be included!

Go here now to read the article, and please leave a COMMENT if you would, underneath the article. I’d love to know what would be the three things a day YOU would do to market your biz!
Love and success,
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