While both sides are playing the “we’re for women” card (because they know that WE are their key to votes), the patriarchy in front of us makes me feel like politically we’re still in the Dark Ages.
The good news is though, this election has stirred the pot. More women are saying, “Enough is enough… when are things going to CHANGE?”
The answer is… it’s up to YOU. To me. To us. To women around the country.
And my new friend, spiritual leader Marianne Williamson, is going to show us how on a FREE call that’s just for my tribe on Thursday, October 25 at 8pm ET/5pm PT.
It’s called “Women & Leadership: HonoringYour Calling to Create Change“, and it’s a special preview of her upcoming Sister Giant live event.
Marianne is rallying women like us, who are unabashedly spiritual, heart-centered, and unapologetically progressive—ready to create a new blueprint for a new movement in American leadership.
When I heard what Marianne was doing, I jumped at the chance to help, offering to host this special call for all of my clients, readers, and their family and friends.
Honestly, I just felt it was my responsibility to share this information and Marianne’s incredible wisdom with you.
So don’t miss this… go here now to reserve your spot, as well as get access to the complimentary recording.
I am so honored and excited about this call and the huge shift that’s happening, allowing us to step up into leadership that is shifting the world.
Please join us… for ourselves, our daughters, our communities, our future.
Love and success,
P.S. You’ve probably felt a calling, but just haven’t known what you can do from where you are. I’ve felt the same way. But Marianne says, “What we don’t engage, we can’t transform,” and she’s right. At least join us for this call on October 25, and see what surfaces for you!