Finally meeting up... - Glambition Radio

Finally meeting up…

We are back from Sydney and settled back into our home in Scottsdale, AZ, where the weather has been gorgeous this week – 80s, dry, and sunny. We haven’t jumped into our big pool yet as the water is still a bit too cold, but Brett’s pumping up the kiddie pool for the twins as I write this. They love to run around naked in the back yard. I may take a dip with them later. (Not naked ;))
The flight back felt much longer than the flight there, and while the kids were well behaved overall, NO ONE slept a wink. By the time we got back to Phoenix airport we were the walking dead, having been up for nearly 22 hours straight. Next time we are going to try breaking up the flight back with a few days in Hawaii.

It was so great to meet many of you at my Repower retreat in Australia – especially those I have only seen online in the past. (You can see a few photos from the event and our sunset yacht cruise at my Facebook page here.)

I’m very excited about our other travels this year to meet more of you around the globe. (Including my NEW Repower retreat in London! See below.)

Here’s a heads-up on the latest opportunities to meet up or work with me soon…

–> APRIL 14-15, 2016: HOUSTON, TEXAS

I’m delighted to be speaking next week at the Circular Summit on stage with entrepreneurs including clothing designer Rachel Roy, Dermalogica founder Jane Wurwand, Drybar founder Alli Webb, and several other powerful women leaders.

If you are building a business to scale, looking for funding, and/or are interested in networking at a much higher level than at your current industry events, apply here to join us.

–> APRIL 20-22, 2016: PARIS, FRANCE

My client Dr. Joanna Martin is flying me overseas to speak at her “Empress” private coaching event in Paris on April 22. One savvy reader from Switzerland already reached out to book a VIP Strategy Day with me while I am in town. That leaves one day left that week that I am available.

If you live in Europe/UK, this is a unique opportunity to receive a day of consulting with me without the time and expense of having to travel to the U.S. To inquire, fill out the form here on my coaching/consulting page. (Be sure to mention Paris.)


We will be spending our summer in Laguna Beach this year, and I have just a few VIP Strategy Day spots open, in between client work and holidays with my family and friends. Meetings will likely be held in nearby Newport Beach. To inquire, fill out the form here on my coaching/consulting page. (Be sure to mention CA.)


Repower London is confirmed for these dates! We’ll be getting the sales page up by next week.

Our London event will have a different flavor than my previous Repowers with more of a global retreat perspective, and a special guest speaker who consults for world leaders within the entrepreneurship, government, and royalty sectors. (This woman is going to blow your mind.)

If you’d like to be first to know when when the Repower London page is up, please put yourself on the Priority Notification List here.

And if you have any questions on these opportunities or anything else, please write my team at

I’ll write again soon to share some cool new models I’ve been working on for stepping into your highest thought leadership.

Love and success,

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