"Happy Friday" - Glambition Radio

“Happy Friday”

I like to think of spring as a time to reaffirm goals, sort of like a New Year’s resolutions do-over ; ) Sometimes we get distracted by details in the beginning of the year and our larger goals fall by the wayside. If you’ve let your resolutions slip, spring, the season of renewal, is the time to re-commit to them!

Does the thought of public speaking make you shudder?

If you were on my Coaching Business Secrets call a month ago, you heard me talk about stuttering the first time I sold from the stage. Well, I’ve come a long way since then, and you can too! Read this week’s business feature for some tips on speaking with confidence.

Beware of Burnout!

Nobody said success was easy – but if you are pushing yourself to the limit, without allowing personal time for vacation, relaxation or just thinking, you will exhaust yourself. You’ve heard me say before that entrepreneurs need more vacation and downtime than others. Read this week’s life feature to learn how to make time for yourself and avoid burn out.

I hope you are looking forward to a wonderful weekend – don’t forget to take some time for yourself!

Love and Success,

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