"Happy Friday!" - Glambition Radio

“Happy Friday!”

For many entrepreneurs, the early days of getting a business off the ground are the most challenging – I still get misty-eyed when I think about the obstacles I overcame as a fledgling entrepreneur. By the time I made my first million, I had learned A LOT! Now, I’m ready to share those lessons, along with my mentor Anne, who made her first million (are you ready?) at age 23!

We can’t wait to share our stories about how we made our first million dollars, and the strategies we learned to use over and over to multiply that number. Join us and the thousands who have already signed up for our NO-COST one-time call “Your First Million: Keys to Creating Your Business Cash Windfall”.

Learn more and register here!

Your Fortune is in the Follow Up!

Have you ever given up on a prospect after pitching once, assuming that they didn’t like you or the service you were offering? If so, I’ve got news for you – even the best sales people have to follow up in order to close a deal. Read the business feature to learn why your fortune is in the follow up.

Nature’s Medicine

Some of the most powerful tools for preventing illness can be found at your local grocery store or farmers market. From fighting cancer to prolonging life, fruits and vegetables can do great things for your health. Read the lifestyle feature to learn why an apple a day really can keep the doctor away.

Have a great week and if you’re in Southern California, I hope I see you at Prosper Now in Long Beach this weekend!

Love and Success,

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