"Happy Friday!" - Glambition Radio

“Happy Friday!”

Greetings from across the pond! I am currently in London for a couple of important meetings and a bit of fun – hopefully hitting a few hot parties at Fashion Week 🙂 It’s such a whirlwind trip, I’m bummed I don’t have more time here to explore, visit, and meet you all in the UK. Next time!

This weekend I’m also celebrating that I’ve been selected as one of Ernst and Young’s Winning Women for 2010. This is such a huge honor and I can’t wait to share more about it with all of you.

Traveling for work (or leisure) can be stressful, which is why I make a point of staying super organized whenever I’m away from home. This week’s article shares some of my best tips for organizing your time, so you get the most valuable things done when you’re at your desk, or 30,000 feet in the air.

Have a fabulous and restful weekend!

Love and success,

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