"Happy Friday!" - Glambition Radio

“Happy Friday!”

I love traveling for work, but sometimes even when I’m expecting a whirlwind, life can feel like a tornado! I’m happy to get a breather at home this weekend before heading off to Las Vegas next week to speak at the Perfect Business Summit and Conquer and Grow conferences. Live events are always so fun and exciting, especially in Vegas (which is why I’m holding my own event there – Shine – in just over a month!)

Live events can be a great way to invest in yourself and your business, but may also be costly if you’re not putting what you learn into action. While credit cards are great for larger business expenses, it’s important to track and maintain a good credit score. This week’s article highlights ways to improve yours so that it’s healthy and desirable to lenders. Starting and growing a business often comes with some debt, but with hard work and planning you can keep your finances on track and in check.

Thankfully, many of life’s sweetest indulgences (like enjoying the twilight on a cool fall evening) don’t cost a thing. Enjoy your time off this weekend!

Love and success,

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