"Happy Friday" - Glambition Radio

“Happy Friday”

I’m excited to announce that very soon you’ll find Ali on iTunes, doing a FREE biweekly PODCAST for women only!

If you’re not familiar with a podcast, you can subscribe to receive episodes as they are released and they can download instantly to your computer, iPod, or iPhone.

You’ll be first to know when episode 1 of “Entrepreneur Women’s Success Secrets” is ready, and I’ll explain how it all works! (And men, you’re welcome to eavesdrop too ; ))

Doing Business With Authenticity

Speaking of branding, this week’s business feature is all about authenticity. Like all of your marketing, your brand should be true to your unique personality. Remember, you don’t have to try to be someone you’re not. Be professional; be you!

And, How to Keep an Open Mind

As an entrepreneur, you should also be learning all the time. If you’ve gotten bored of your business or your daily routine lately, it’s time to learn something new. Read this week’s lifestyle article to learn how to stimulate that curious, entrepreneurial mind!

I can’t believe that we’re already nearing the end of January – have a great weekend and keep those New Year’s resolutions going!

Love and Success,

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