In just a few hours, you can join my colleagues and I live for impactful training that will help you map out how YOU can get to YOUR next level of success. (And we’re going to have a TON of fun, too!)
Save your free spot for the LiveCast here now.
You may want to make sure you get there a few minutes early, to make sure you get a spot. We do have limited bandwidth. And we WILL start right on time!
Here’s an overview of TODAY, Day 1:
SESSION 1: Welcome, entrepreneur training, and Q&A with Ali Brown and Elevate Head Coach James Roche
You’ll learn about the 3 main stages of growing your business, how to tell which one you are in, and your most direct paths to profits for each! We’ll also discuss ways to design your business to be portable, so you can travel while you work.
SESSION 2: Entrepreneur training and Q&A with Ali Brown and Elevate Coach Joy Chudacoff
A frank discussion on “mompreneurship”—raising a great family while raising your profits! (No excuse ladies, we have women making multiple six- and even seven-figures from home, with toddlers in tow!) Plus 3 simple keys that are your solid steps to success. If you’re confused or overwhelmed right now, this session will get you clear and focused.
SESSION 3: Special guest expert interview and Q&A with Ali Brown and NYT best-selling author Marci Shimoff
Marci will be sharing the single most important thing you can do to increase your level of health, wealth, and success in your life (Hint: it has to do wit happiness!) And wait until you hear the research behind this. You’ll gain several practical strategies to help you experience happiness from the inside out.
SESSION 4: Leadership training and Q&A with Ali Brown
As an entrepreneur, you have to “think different”. Ali will lay it all out for you with her 5 key mindset shifts to help you learn to leap, handle fear and self-doubt, cope with criticism, and more. You are your business, so let’s work on this.
SESSION 5: Special guest expert interview with Ali Brown and Suzanne Evans
You’re in for a fun and feisty treat here, from a woman who went from secretary to 7-figures in just over 3 years. Ali will grill Suzanne for the REAL story… what it took, how she knew it was the “right” idea, how she dealt with doubt, and more.
BONUS: Throughout the day, we’ll be answering YOUR QUESTIONS as they come in, and adding in some surprise giveaways—you don’t want to miss this!
Important: This LiveCast is NOT going to be replayed. It’s LIVE… and ONLY live today and tomorrow. So tune in as much as you can. I promise we’ll have a TON of fun! 🙂
If you’re curious, and you know you want to pop in– be sure to register for free TODAY here.
Love and Success,
P.S. My free Thrive VIDEOS will only be up for 3 more days. And you’ll get instant access to those too when you sign up for the LiveCast. If you’re looking for meaty content to review after the LiveCast, you’ll really enjoy what I’ve put together for you. But first, save your free spot for TODAY’S free LiveCast here.
See you LIVE in just a few!