LIVE TODAY at 3pm ET... - Glambition Radio


ali brownThis is a final courtesy reminder, that I will be sharing some of my best time and productivity secrets on a FREE CALL TODAY. 🙂

During this one-time teleseminar, you’ll discover:

* My 3 BEST productivity secrets—that still work even if you are managing a family along with your business.

* How to determine what your time is actually worth $$$. (It’s a simple process, but it will open your eyes instantly.)

* My weird little secret about how I make time work FOR me (so I don’t have to work “against the clock.”)

* How to stay disciplined with your goals, but still “work” in your feminine. (You don’t need to work in a masculine way to be successful.)

* The powerful CHOICE of trading your perfectionism for peace—and how to begin. (Caution: If you’re addicted to “success”, you will not be ready for this.)

Managing your TIME right allows you to focus on the important things…and make more MONEY too. I promise this call will be well worth it!

Sign up here to join us.

Love and success,

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