Livestream TODAY: How to fill your coaching groups - Glambition Radio

Livestream TODAY: How to fill your coaching groups

A quick note about a free LIVE training today at 2pm Eastern (NY)/11 am Pacific .

“ Mastermind Profit Secrets; Fill your Groups, Leverage your Time, and Increase Profits ” 

A few of you have been writing me with questions about Lisa Sasevich’s program I mentioned, and I thought this would be a good chance for you to see her teaching and coaching live, and doing Q&A as well.

During this livestream, you’ll learn:

  • How to nail your ‘Event Promise’ — the first step to filling your event
  • The numbers on how it’s possible to make a year’s worth of revenue in just 3 days.
  • 3 ways you can fill your seminar or workshop… starting right now
Go here now to register to join in today’s training. You can easily watch from your laptop or phone.

For many of my clients, their main tipping point for skyrocketing their revenues was adding a high-end mastermind or coaching group. Creating it is one thing. Filling it — with the right clients — is another.

When my clients ask me for a step-by-step system that illustrates how to do that, I simply send them to Lisa.

No matter where you are in this process, I guarantee you’ll get a few great tips from today’s livecast, so I suggest you sign up here to tune in — it’s happening in just a few hours.

Love and success,

PS — This will be my last email about Lisa. Thanks for reading my recommendations. Coming up soon, “what to do when your business hits a plateau”.

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