Meet one of my Diamond Mastermind Superstars! - Glambition Radio

Meet one of my Diamond Mastermind Superstars!

Hi, it’s Ali here, and I want to introduce you to one of my Diamond Mastermind Superstars.

In the last 8 months, she’s enjoyed not 1, not 2, not 3 but FIVE 6-figure-plus launches using teleseminars!

I’m sure you’ve heard of her – her name is Lisa Sasevich of The Invisible Close.

Well, I just heard the buzz that Lisa is at it again, except this time she wants to teach YOU exactly how she’s created FIVE 6-figure-plus launches plus built a 7-figure business in less than 3 years.

She JUST led a BRAND-NEW teleclass “5 Simple Secrets to 6-Figure Teleseminars: How to make BIG FAST MONEY doing what you LOVE!” and guess what my friends…

I arranged to get you the MP3 Playback!

(You can download it immediately here)

On this ground-breaking call you’ll learn:

1) The #1 thing you need to focus on to get BIG sales results on your Preview Call (Most speakers don’t know this!)

2) 4 simple steps to craft your Preview Call talk so it sells! (Psst — This is the exact formula Lisa used for her last five 6- figure launches.)

3) Lisa’s secrets to tripling your sales after your Preview Call.  This simple formula works like magic. Not knowing this used to cost her thousands of dollars a month, but Lisa’s going to teach it to you so you can quickly learn from her mistakes.

4) Exactly how to structure your teleseminar Irresistible Offer.  (Hint: It’s different than the offer you make in a face-to-face setting, from the stage or on a one-on-one phone call!)

5) The most critical mindset shift you need to make before attempting to sell anything. Don’t even bother with all the strategies Lisa’s about to teach you if you’re not willing to do this!

Here’s that link again to download this complimentary teleclass.

Not sure how long she’ll leave this up, so grab it while you can!

Love and success,

P.S. As you probably know (and may have experienced yourself first- hand) giving a preview call that results in a 6-figure launch is easier said than done. Let Lisa walk you through her steps to creating a preview call that gets you 6-figures! (Here’s that link again!)

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