He has this attitude that oozes, “Why try doing anything to create change? We’re all screwed. If you make more money, it’s just going to disappear or be taken away. Etc.” My other friends and I call him “Eeyore”, after the gloomy donkey of the Winnie the Pooh books.
While I understand how he feels (and I have these moments too, especially with this year’s tax increases), it’s important to take a deep breath and put yourself back in the perspective of truth.
The truth that YOU create your own outcomes. And while you can’t always change the circumstances around you or in our country, and of course you should be aware of what’s going on in the world, you should instead put your FOCUS on creating your own results.
I invite you to shift your mindset: From one of “just getting by” and fixing what’s wrong… to one actionably centered on what you REALLY want. To proclaim this is finally the year you seriously create a dramatically better life for yourself.
But you can’t just proclaim it. Or meditate on it. Or write affirmations. You’ve got to get off your ass and take action.
For many of us, the fastest path to our dream—both financially and personally—is to grow our own profitable, purposeful business. (And by the way, this brings you incredible tax benefits as well! ;))
I urge you to turn OFF the news, and tune IN to my FREE online livecast happening this coming Tuesday, January 15, starting at 2pm ET/11am PT.
For over 4 HOURS, broadcasting LIVE from my beach house living room, my colleagues and I will be delivering dozens of great business ideas, marketing strategies, and success tips… along with some of the inspiration and motivation you may be needing right now.
We’ll discuss what it really takes to make these changes in your life, how to address the fears that may surface along the way, and how to ensure you stay in this new mindset (because if you don’t, you’ll fall back into our default negative way of thinking).
I’d also like to introduce you to several entrepreneur success stories from my Elevate program, whose strides are guaranteed to inspire you and give you some actionable steps to take away and implement. (These are stories you won’t see in the news!)

Remember, it happens LIVE this coming Tuesday, January 15, starting at 2pm ET/11am PT! So mark your calendar and register now so you don’t forget.
Love and success,

(That is, if they aren’t hiding under furniture somewhere while there are 15 people taking over the house.) Save your free spot here now.