Pot, brownies, and rock & roll... - Glambition Radio

Pot, brownies, and rock & roll…

Glambition® Radio continues to inspire—and myself included. These 6 episodes will change the way you do business and live your life!
You can listen to them here or download right now, for free. (Even better, subscribe to get automatic weekly new episodes on your smartphone.)
A bit about these episodes…
* Gretchen Rubin – We all have habits that keep us from being happy, but happiness expert and best selling author Gretchen Rubin tells us how to break bad habits and make new and productive ones, and how to choose the right strategies to fit your personality. Gretchen’s own pursuit of happiness took her from the Supreme Court to the New York Times bestseller list.
* Dzana Homan – “Are you ready to ROCK?” School of Rock CEO Dzana Homan’s life story is living proof that if you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you can accomplish anything. After coming to America as a refugee from war, speaking no English with no money, she today is leading one of the fastest growing franchises in the world. It’s the music school WE wish we had as kids!
* Lisa Sasevich – She’s the “Queen of Sales Conversion“, and I’m honored to have mentored her during her start in 2009. But you’ve NEVER heard her ‘unplugged’ like this… She shares her inspiring story on building a multimillion dollar business with two toddlers at home, along with some sassy sales tips, what life’s really about, and the only pain in her life that was close to when her mom died in her arms.
* Sheila G – From being laid off in her 40s to founding a $40 million brownie business? YES. Sheila G. took her treasured family recipe for fudge brownies door-to-door to start, and now her Brownie Brittle is a hit in grocery stores and on the Hollywood red carpet! Hear her fantastic kitchen-to-riches story.
* Cheryl Shuman – “The Martha Stewart of Marijuana“… and our most controversial guest yet… She’s the most visible leader of the medical marijuana movement, and she’s quite a businesswoman herself, with her Beverly Hills Cannabis Club, PR and consulting services, and managing a $100 million hedge fund investing in the cannabis sector.
* Paula Rizzo – Love list-making? Then you will love Paula Rizzo, and her new book Listful Thinking. Hear her secrets that will reduce anxiety, save money, and give you more joy in your life… And stop waking up at 2am making those lists in your head.
Go here to listen to Glambition Radio now or download for later.
And hey, don’t take my word for it alone that these are powerful shows. Here’s just a sampling of the comments we are receiving on iTunes:
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Love and success,
Ali Brown Signature
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