It was a preview to our NEW 4-PART LIVE TELECOURSE, designed for those of you who want to attract and keep more money in your life…
“The Secret Energy of Money: How to Attract and Keep More in the Next 12 Months Than You Have in the Past 3 Years”
LIVE with Ali Brown and Kendall SummerHawk
Beginning Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Get all the details here now.You see, we had such outrageous response to this topic that we designed this full four-part telecourse to teach you in detail all our money secrets.
If you liked ANYTHING of what we had to share in the preview call, you are going to be blown away by the full course.
If you don’t master money now, you are sabotaging your chances for success. Money is surprisingly easy to master once you know the secret process to do it successfully. Making and keeping more is within reach of even the smallest or newest woman entrepreneur. Kendall and I will show you how.
The first call in the course starts next Tuesday, March 16, so don’t delay! Go here now to register at the one-time-only affordable price of just $297.
Love and Success,

PS – When else will you have the chance to learn about making and keeping money from not one but TWO multimillion dollar entrepreneur women? Likely NEVER again! Go here and don’t miss out.