From that humble beginning, I quickly realized how influential having a list was for growing my business. Instead of marketing to one person at a time, I could market to 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000, and later tens of thousands of people at a time!
A LIST will give you immense LEVERAGE in growing your business.
But it’s not size that matters, in this case! While many marketers out there brag about how large their lists are, smart entrepreneurs know it’s the QUALITY of your list that will determine how well it works for you.
You don’t just want a big list—you want a PROFITABLE list. But how do you attract your ideal clients and customers and entice them to join your list? How do you break through all the clutter out there now on social media and the Web and get people’s attention for your offering, and get them to want to give you their email address?
Well, this is exactly what I share with you in my FREE report called…
“Grow That List! The Seven Streams of List Building That Are Working Right Now”.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this instant PDF download:
• the 7 list-building “streams” you should be using to direct traffic to your site right now (if you set these up into a system, you’ll be golden!)
• how to create slow and steady flows of prospects as well as quick GUSHES of list growth (and why you need both)
• the MOST important thing you have to keep in mind when growing your list (this will determine how much profit you’ll gain from it)
• which software/applications I recommend to automatically manage your list
• details about my COMPLETE list-building program that will take your list and business to the next level, A to Z, step by step!
This free report is perfect for you if you have a new business and are ready to build a list, OR if you’ve been in business for a while and need a “list-building checkup”. (And don’t we all?)
Download your INSTANT copy of my report now.
Love and success,
P.S. If you like what’s in this report, you’re going to LOVE my complete List Building System. It’s all my strategies in one giant toolkit that lays out your list-building plan, one step at a time. You’ll find out more in the report, so download your free copy here now.
© 2012 Ali International, LLC
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“Entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown teaches women around the world how to start and grow a profitable business that make a positive impact. Get her FREE CD “Top 10 Secrets for Entrepreneurial Women” at www.AliBrown.com“